Friday 28 July 2017

Know the character of your wife with Vedic Astrology according to ascendants

Like I said before, husband and wife each other can know the character of your spouse through the help of astrology. Today, in this post I am going to tell you how do you know the character of your wife. With the help of vedic astrology I am going to explain the general characteristics , what your spouse can do , her limitations and her level of activity. I am going to tell you the planetary positions for the  particular actions as well. To determine the characteristics of a  one must calculate the spins and other few things . The 8th house( from ascendant) lord is the time frame , within this time frame your husband might die.  The lagna or ascendant will decide the good and bad things that will happen your wife's life . The 7th house will tell you the good and bad things will happen to your husband's life.  

Here are the following - 

=>>If your wife born in Aries ascendant , she will truthful , cruel , angry , sleekly and metallic . Her words will very aggressive( However  most of the time the work done by her will not prove that she is aggressive ). She will have lots of friends and she will be very valuable inside her friends and will want to spend time with her friends companion. 

=>>If your wife born in Taurus ascendant , then she will have the quality to win the mind of others. If moon is good position in the chart , she will be beautiful as well charming. She will be gentle and love his husband. She will be expert in any kind if innovation work like - handcrafts work, singing , writing and most of the types of educations. She will love will obey his husband as well.

=>>If your wife born in Gemini, she will have mysterious character. Since Gemini have dual mentality and she will have almost all dual personalities. Her words will be rough, she will have extra sexual demand and also emotional cruel. This kind of wife also sometimes very demanding.

=>>If your wife born in cancer ascendant, she might beautiful and cure as well. She will be economically high and she might help you to get you rich . I mean she can give you the luck. She will be very lovable within her friend circle. She will have very pure character( Cancer girls are the the best wives among other zodiac signs ) . She will also be very laborious and hard worker. She will love family traditions, family rules , casts , rituals and will live and let you live the life happily. She will a Nobel and holy woman.

=>>If your wife born in leo ascendant, she will be extremely aggressive,  not just the words are aggressive. All of her actions and work is also aggressive. She love to fight , she love quarrels . Even in the society, she always fight with her husbands, sons and other family members. If your wife is leo , it is almost impossible to control her . She will control your husband. She is extremely flash eaters. Her , body will be ugly looking as well. However, there are some good qualities hidden in the aggressiveness.

=>>If your wife born in Virgo ascendant, she will extremely lucky. Luck is the thing that these people bring with them. With them, you will also be lucky. She will have lots of friends. She will have a good relationships with the relatives . She will be very honest to their best persons. Her talent lies in doing household work or any other culture related work.

=>>If your wife born in Libra ascendant, she will have longer life i.e. longevity  . She will have  very bad mind. She will be almost loveless , heartless . No matter how much money or how much property she will make proud of it. She will be moral less as well.

=>>Now it is the now the time to know regarding Scorpio ascendant. Since this is Scorpio, the analysis will be different. Scorpios are actually good for good or best for best. It is almost unpredictable to predict regarding Scorpio . Scorpio of have lot of energy for you. If you could drive Scorpio's energy in a good way , it will be good for you. If you don't drive Scorpio's energy in a good way, you will get screwed. Scorpio ascendant woman will be too much honest. She will have a very strong life and body . Her eyes will be great and nice and cute. You will be easily attract by Scorpio's eyes . She will have lots of qualities .

=>>If your wife born in Sagittarius ascendant , she will have lots of Nobel qualities. She will be cool minded. She will be highly intelligent . She will have some good qualities. She will be too honest , hard mentality. She will have almost heartless and emotionless as well. She will be loveless as well.

=>>If your wife born in Capricorn ascendant, they will be highly lucky. No matter what job they are assigned or what duty they are assigned to. They will have lots of luck into it. They will love to travel holy places. She will have lots of Nobel qualities as well. Capricorn females are very keen into various higher study etc. If planetary positions are good, then they will be very much successful in govt. job , politics etc.

=>>If your wife born in Aquarius ascendant, then they might have some skin deceases .They might have many children . They might be very demanding wife. They also have a mentality for spending as well. Most of the time, they don't appreciate the benefit for them.

=>>If your wife born in Pisces ascendant, She will have lots of boy children. She loves his husband, she will always with you. One of main basic quality and characteristics of Pisces is  they like unconditional love. Pisces wants to stay beside husband. She will have some charming character .

Make sure that astrology is not 100% right. It is just assumption . Astrology can only predict possibilities. It cannot change your destiny as well. Its you who can change your destiny.  Your karma , your work done in the past life is actually the result of this life. Stay in the honest path of life and you will win the game. If you do good in this life you will rewarded the next birth. There are no stone, no roots cannot change your life or destiny. They only can do a safeguard to you. Only hard work can change this.

Good Luck!

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