Monday 21 May 2018

CIRCLE OF 360 - Some special things to think deeply

Jyotish is still a mysterious to all. Often we cannot get value of lot of things. some of them are following - 

  1. According to Google searches  4 babies born each second, 15000 each hour and 350k people each day. But the luck of two people born in same hour , min and sec differs. 
  2. Venus , Saturn , moon rahu all consider mercury as his enemy.
  3. Moon dont have any enemy.
  4. Mercury have only enemy and it is moon.
  5. Sun-Saturn , Mars - Jupiter , Venus - mercury . In a house if one is exalted the other one gets debilitated( though degree matters).
  6. Jupiter is equals to Saturn , rahu and ketu.
  7. ketu only happy with Jupiter.
  8. Saturn , rahu and ketu - all have three enemies - Sun, Moon and mars.
  9. In case of Yogakaraka, beneffic planet like Jupiter have no place. Jupiter is not Yogakaraka of any lagna.
  10. Saturn and ketu are actually friends but of different poles. They both are actually different in nature. 
  11. It is said that Sun could be eaten by rahu.
  12. People argue over rahu and ketu dristi - Many says rahu aspects 7th , 4th and 8th house from where it is placed. ketu aspects 7th , 3rd and 10th house from where it is placed. 
  13. All the 27 nakshatra were the wife of Moon.
  14. Sun and moon only own 1 house. Rest of the other planets own two houses.
  15. Sun and moon in a house generally considered bad. Native born in amabossya. But in case of Scorpio ascendant it creates Dharma-karma adhipati yoga.
  16. Venus is the only malefic for Saggi ascendant.
  17. Sun and moon never goes retrograde.
  18. Rahu and ketu matured at the end , when all other planets gets matured.( age 48) 
  19. Moon is the fastest planet in the chart and Saturn the lowest. 
  20. Just by seeing then position of Saturn one can tell in which native born.
  21. I read that Chanting the names of the Saptarishis is very beneficial and auspecious
  22. Mula Nakshatra( pada 1) considered the most dangerous point in the 360 degree zodiac. Any planet or lagna is in this part considered lost of its energy. Native may be self-destructive.
  23. Planets in 29 degree , 0 degree and 1 degree carries special meaning and significance. In a chart if you see any planet in this degree you need to be very caring while predicting.
  24. In a post in internet I have read the following - '15-Aug-1947 was an “unfortunate & unholy” date according to astrological calculations.' On that day what happened - all Indians knows this.
  25. J.P. Morgan on Astrology " Millionaires Don't Need Astrologers, Billionaires Do" .

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