Thursday 3 May 2018

What is retrograde planet? Let’s know the details today

It is a very good term to say retrograde. That I have many planets retrograde in my chart. Some says hey I have 2 planets retrograde and some other says hey I have three planets retrograde. Some says retrograde does not matter. Some says retrograde is bad for life. Like if you have 7th lord retrograde then you should have pretty poor marriage life for sure. But, honestly to me – when you will ask me weather retrograde planets are bad for you or no. I will tell you to be relaxxxxxx. 

Retrograde planet is not bad. Lets me tell little fake news regarding retrograde planet one by one – 
#1 retrograde planet is negative result giver. Retrograde planets cannot be negative result giver. I mean no planet could give negative results. Planets give according to their associations, aspects and placements. Mars in 8th house will give some fight in bed. Mars in 12th house May also give you court cases because it is written in your horoscope. 

#2 Retrograde planet gives results if previous house. Theoretically it is wrong. See the exact planetary positions of Jupiter as off now on 3rd May, 2018. Jupiter is in Libra. Well it is wrong to say from Libra Jupiter will give results of Virgo actually.
#3 retrograde planets means past life karma. Like I said before no such thing really exists. When you born your planetary energies started effecting on you and chart is written according to this. 

There are many more myths like this. But one should believe such words blindly what retrograde planet actually is. 
#1 Retrograde planet means they are more close to earth; they are more near to earth. So, when a planet is retrograde in your chart means when you born, those planets where close to earth on that time. Those planets have more effect that any other planet which is direct on your chart. That planet will have more effect your daily life than any other planet.

#2 You have to do more work for that retrograde planet. When there is a retrograde planet in your chart. You know there will be more karma for you. On this planet you have to do more. More than those who have direct in your chart. And, yes planetary system will force you to do that as well. The more planet in your chart is retrograde it indicates more attention, more depth look and study and research in your life. Retrograde planet will tell you to go back and re-do the work for perfection. Retrograde planet will tell you to read the text again and again. When mars are retrograde in your chart you need to control your anger and aggressiveness in every step of life. Martian energy requires being re-distributed and must need to be in a good way.

#3 Retrograde planet seats in that house will also affect a lot. If Jupiter is retrograde in your chart in 10th house. It will obviously will bless you with good results and will also force you to focus on your job. I have a friend who has Jupiter in 10th house as a retrograde. Native got long time to get success in life. At the age of 30 native finally crossed the civil service exams.  So, it is proved it was huge as well. 
Let me know you today how retrograde planet works and what happen when a planet is retrograde (Sun and Moon never goes retrograde and Rahu / Ketu always retrograde so need to discuss further). 

Mars – When mars is retrograde 1st of all you need to know there are obviously mass energy but you need to know how to control its energy. How to control the uncontrollable mass of energy in everywhere. Until mars get matured it will start giving you problems with its speed. Native will rush to speak; native may rush to do any act. If mars are in 2nd house and retrograde, native will speed very faster without listening and without knowing what to speak. So native may make angry to other people being harsh speech.

Mercury – This also create very problem in Childs life since mercury is planet of immature person. Native always have effect of mercury until he gets matured or 18. Native will may some problem in speaking (stammering problem etc) if retrograde mercury is sitting in lagna or 2nd house. Native need to analyze what he is going to say, native need to think twice more than speaking. Native need to spend more time to read a book – multiple times need to do that so that it could get memorized. Mercury retrograde will affect the childhood days a lot.

Saturn – Saturn is another retrograde planet. So, retrograde Saturn will always broke you. To another side, retrograde Saturn means the planet of karma is retrograde. It is noticed that retrograde Saturn will make the native lazy. Native will ignore hid duties at a large scale. Native will be punctual. Will do late in work. Native will not take any work seriously. Native may have lack of depth in any subject. If Saturn is in 10th house and retrograde native have to does very low quality work being well qualified. If retrograde Saturn placed in 6th house native have to fight a lot with enemies. 

Jupiter – Jupiter is the only functional benefic planet so for Jupiter retrograde does not hamper too much. There are many celebrity people who have Jupiter retrograde in their chart as well.  Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi has Jupiter retrograde in their chart. Jupiter retrograde indicates native have to work hard in order to make his result perfect. Jupiter retrograde effects over the entire chart. Once you have Jupiter retrograde in your chart. It will slow down activity the whole chart. Retrograde Jupiter may cause liver problem. Native may have negative thinking always. 

Venus - Venus retrograde will block you to get material bliss. Especially for males. Retrograde Venus may harm to get sexual pleasures. Native will have problem enjoying luxuries in life. I have seen Venus retrograde in chart with native may but property but will not enjoy his home. Native might have problem getting bed pleasures. May do problem with intimacy.

So, ultimately no fear with retrograde planets. In fact retrograde planet is close to earth. So , living being on earth will have more effect of retrograde planet always. Native will surely get the great results after a lot of effort in his life.

 Please note that these are just assumptions when a planet doesn’t have any aspect or associations. Also, I did not mention the which planet in which house the planet posited in. So, finally holistic chart reading will speak the final thing. 

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